Aircraft Services has 25 years of experience managing several different types of aircraft. It is vital to have qualified professional pilots watching over your valuable investment. We hire Second In Command Pilots for their passion & talent then we provide deep & comprehensive training, in-house, through powerful instructor / learner mentorships from a seasoned Pilot In Command in each type.

By placing your trust in Aircraft Servcies, your aircraft will be in the absolute best hands at all times. The following are some of the models we have the most experience with. But, we are able to manage almost any corporate aircraft and to

provide the highest caliber pilot team.

Citation Mustang

Citation CJ, CJ1,

CJ2, CJ3, & CJ4

Citation Excel

Citation III, VI, VII

Citation Encore, Bravo, & Ultra

Challenger 300

Falcon 50

Falcon 900

Falcon 2000

King Air 90

King Air 200

Gulfstream G550